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Later, the son leaves the brothel with the duck. So the woman, desperate for another round, offered the duck back as payment, the son agrees and so they have sex again. She even offered him a freebie but being the polite guy that he is, he refused. So after they have sex, the woman is flabbergasted at just how magnificent the son was in bed. The woman thinks for a while, and decides to take the duck as payment since she knew a guy that could help her prepare the duck so that she could cook it for dinner. The son explained the situation to the lady and told her that even though he has no money, he does have this duck. Slightly confused, the son heads over to the brothel with the duck and meets with one of the women there.

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One day a father tells his son 'You're 18 now, and I think it's time you learned about the birds and the bees, so take this duck and go over to this brothel and see what you can do.'

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