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Mayor London Breed said she will also sit out of the parade unless organizers offer to capitulate on servicemembers’ uniforms. “We need to allow the public to see that our uniformed law enforcement officers are good, they do reflect our community,” Fire Department spokesman Jonathan Baxter told ABC7. The San Francisco Fire Department announced the city’s firefighters would join the police in solidarity. For LGBTQ+ officers, this brings us back to a time when we had to hide at work “But they have told us, peace officers, that if we wear our uniforms, we may not attend. This committee would not order the drag community to wear flannel,” the officers’ pride coalition said. “Let us be clear: this committee would not order the leather community to wear polyester at the parade. San Francisco Police Officers Pride Alliance condemned the organizers’ decision in stronger terms through a three-page press release. “Even though our members may not be marching in this year’s Pride Parade, the San Francisco Police Department will be on hand to ensure that everyone attending and participating in SF Pride Weekend activities enjoys a safe and celebratory Pride Weekend in San Francisco,” the department announced in a press release. The San Francisco Police Department responded by refusing to participate.

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